Friday, July 27, 2012

Eureka Seven Review

  Eureka Seven is a great anime that I recommend to many people. I have loved this anime and have re-watched it several times since then. Other than the fact that the main character is whiny, I loved the story, art, mechs(I don't like mechs that often), animation and everything about it. I especially loved the story.

  The story is very unique. I loved how interesting it was and how good BONES studio was able to animate it so well according to the story. I congratulate the author of this for being able to imagine such a vast world. From the trapar to the boards, the very unique mechs to the corals and everything that just made the Eureka Seven world so much better.

  There were scenes where they joked around, scenes they were serious, scenes when they were having fun and scenes with romance. This anime has about everything. Normally this would make an anime hard to understand but Eureka Seven did this perfectly by spreading each genre within each other.

  The music... What can I even say about it? The soundtrack of Eureka Seven is just beautiful. It fits the anime so well and it makes us feel so excited of the anime at the same time. I absolutely love the soundtrack and know that you guys will too.

  Eureka Seven gets a bit confusing sometimes but it explains everything until the end. I really don't know what to say about some scenes gets pretty confusing. I loved every bit of this anime and I just hope they make the second season "Eureka Seven AO" much better.

  I am going to leave the AO season's review for when it finishes as of right now it is very confusing. I think that it is trying to build up our excitement for the story and then suddenly show us something great like in the last episodes. It is slowly starting to explain what happened though so please be patient for that review :).

9/10 for Eureka Seven.


Unknown said...

i agree with you Emir. its not my first anime but i can tell you that its one of my top 3 animes. i loved it enough to buy the dvds and manga and some t-shirts so that's saying something.

Unknown said...

Mustafa, that is very cool :D. I only bought the DVD's. I hope you also enjoy your stay here. I am also very sorry for my reviews being very bad. I am just starting into this review business but I promise I will get better.

BobSo said...

This looks promising!!! Thanks for sharing :)

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